The SADF honored Mrs. Jessie Liddell and the late Mr. Albie Matthews on 13 December 2014 for their unwavering and lifetime commitment to Dance.


Mr Matthews worked tirelessly for dancing right up to the time of his death and championed Freedom to Dance. He worked on the rules and the constitution of the then National Council. Mr. Matthews played a pivotal role in maintaining good relations with the World Dance Council and International bodies. Mr. Matthews passed away on 10 December 2007 and will be remembered for his significant contribution to life and dance. Mrs. Doreen Matthews received the Honorary Award.


Mrs. Liddell was the first President of SANCBD (South African National Council of Ballroom Dancing). Mrs. Liddell had a successful competitive career during the 1960s with Mr. Jack Liddell, whilst living in the U.K., and from then onwards had a good record as Teachers and coaches in Kwa Zulu Natal. She was the main instigator of the SA Dance & Dance Sport Council (now the SADF), of which she was Acting President during the formative years and then the first official President. She was honoured for her selfless and outstanding service to DANCE in South Africa.

SADF Annual Awards 13 December 2014