Dear Dance Community.

The SADF Regional Committee would like to take this opportunity to say a special thank you to all the dancers, parents; teachers and studio heads for being a part of our special event on Saturday. Without all of you none of our successes would be possible.

To all the adjudicators, thank you for your commitment to dance and for giving of your time so unselfishly. Your hard work does not go unrecognised.

To our sponsors, thank you for your generosity throughout 2016 and for making such a significant difference to the lives of dancers. Well done to all the dancers that received their WC colours. Wear it with pride.

Lastly, to the LOC, we say a special thank you for your continuous efforts and hard work throughout this year and for making each event so memorable.

We wish all the dancers well in preparation for the SA Championships and we look forward to a bumper 2017.

Attached please find the results of the SADF WC Regional Championships.


Warmest regards

SADF WC Regional Branch