The Dancesport Committee was established to look at the general functions of the Competitive Dance

Dance to which the “Terms of Reference” was ratified by SADF Board. The main objective of the

The Dancesport Committee is: -

“To consider and debate all matters relating to Competition Rules, selection of Adjudicators and

the granting of the Foundation’s Championship Titles in Standard, Latin, Ten Dance, Classic Show Dance and South American Show Dance. The Competitive Dance Committee can take decisions in Competitive Dance matters and the Presidium may veto a decision of the Committee after debate if the Presidium considers that the decision does not correspond with the interest of the South African Dance Foundation”.


The objectives of the Competitive Dance (relating to Government) are: -

• To foster the Competitive Dance to a wider variety of individuals and communities of South Africa through Outreach Development Programmes.

• To develop and promote the Competitive Dance through Dancers Training.

• To expose our South African style of Competitive Dance through participation at Dance

Competitions of National and International standard.

• To add value to the South African economy by Staging Dance Competitions of good standard that will encourage Economic growth, Spin-offs and Tourism for the benefit of all the stakeholders.

• To collaborate through services with other SADF Faculties.

• To practise good Corporate Governance.

• To affiliate to National and International Competitive Dance Bodies. The SADF is a Founder member of the World Dance Council (WDC) and member of the World Dance Council Amateur League (WDC AL).

ACHIEVEMENTS / SUCCESSES • Successfully hosting the FIRST WDC AL Championship in Africa in November 2015

• The implementation of the SADF SuperSeries competitions to encourage mass and regular participation of all the Regions and dancers from other Associations in SADF sanctioned

competitions. 3 SuperSeries competitions are hosted in Gauteng, Western Cape and North West Province annually.

• The SADF Amateur National Colours to award National colours to the top ranked Amateur

competitors representing SA at International Championships. This proved to be immensely successful and encouraged the dancers from other Associations to participate in SADF sanctioned competitions.

• Participating in the WDC Competitors Commission AGM in Blackpool annually.

• Hosting Combined National Championships featuring Ballroom, Latin American, Hip Hop, Traditional and Theatre has encouraged positive growth across the genres.

• Hosting Combined Regional Festivals featuring ALL genres represented in the Region like Pro-Am, Solo Latin, Blackpool, Traditional, Ballroom and Latin American.

• Hosting the Blackpool Insights Workshop for 3 consecutive years and sharing feedback from the

Blackpool Congress and WDC Meetings with SADF members.