SADF WC Coastal Super Series Championship is happening on 27 June 2015
26th April

Please find attached the entry form for the Coastal Super Series Championship Event.
The SADF WC Dance community looks forward to hosting and inviting ALL DANCERS from ALL REGIONS in South Africa to participate in the second Super Series Championship for 2015. Genres competing are Ballroom, Latin American, Solo Latin, Hip Hop, Social/Pro-Am, Traditional Dance.
This amazing event is one not to be missed. We look forward to welcoming the dancing community in beautiful Cape Town.

2015 SADF Freedom Day Championships Programme, 25 April 2015
20th April

Dear Dance Community The provisional running order for the Freedom Day Championships is attached. The Championship promises to be most memorable and commences at 12h00. The Gala commences at 17h00 promptly. Don't miss an awesome Freedom Day of Dance at Maragon, Ruimsig!!!! 2015 SADF Freedom Day Championships Programme of Events 25Apr15

SADF WC Boland Festival is happening on 11 April 2014, Kleinplasie
20th March

The much anticipated entry form for the SADF WC BOLAND FESTIVAL is attached. The competition will be held in Worcester at the beautiful Kleinplasie - Pietman Hugo Hall.  Entries close Friday, 27th March 2015.

SADF Freedom Day Championship is happening, 25 April 2015, Maragon School
15th February

SADF proudly hosts the 2015 Freedom Day Championship on 25 April 2015. The Championship will be held at Maragon School Grounds, Ruimsig, Gauteng. The Championship will include Ballroom, Latin American, Hip, Hop and Traditional dance sections.   This is also the first SADF Super Series competition for 2015 and  qualifier for SADF National Colours. The competition has been elevated to Championship level and there will be Freedom Day Champions!!! The anticipated registration is at 11h30 for 12h00 start. Kindly submit your Entry by the 31 March 2015. This is a hot competition on the SADF Calendar - be there!!!!



WDC Dancesation Newsletter Feb 2015
14th February

WDC Dancesation Newsletter Feb 2015 WDC Dancesation is really going places with many projects lined up for 2015 - be sure not to miss out:

  • Dance of the Year 2016 Samba Competition - closing date is 31 March 2015. Visit the WDC Dancesation page for more information, URL http://www.wdcdance.com/index.php/dance-teachers/wdc-dancesation-dance-of-the-year
  • The WDC Dancesation Congress is taking place in the Blackpool Week
  • There will also be a WDC Examiner Seminar the same week
  • There is a WDC Argentine Tango World Championships - date TBC
Contact Social Convenor, Mark Engelbrecht for more information about all these exciting events on info@dancedomain.co.za. Visit the WDC Dancesation Website for more information, URL http://www.wdcdance.com/index.php/dance-teachers/newsletters . WDC DanceSation Newsletter Feb 2015    

SADF WC Festival – 14 March 2015, Wittebome Civic
22nd January

The SADF WC proudly presents its first competition for 2015 is set for Saturday, 14th March 2015 at the Wittebome Civic, Wynberg.
Entries close Monday, 2nd March 2015.
We encourage all to enter early! 
Contact the WC Regional Branch Secretary, Megan Theys for more information : sadfheadoffice@gmail.com
This is an event not to be missed.
Never Miss a Chance to Dance

SADF Annual Awards 13Dec14
18th January

The SADF honored Mrs. Jessie Liddell and the late Mr. Albie Matthews on 13 December 2014 for their unwavering and lifetime commitment to Dance.   Mr Matthews worked tirelessly for dancing right up to the time of his death and championed Freedom to Dance. He worked on the rules and the constitution of the then National Council. Mr. Matthews played a pivotal role in maintaining good relations with the World Dance Council and International bodies. Mr. Matthews passed away on 10 December 2007 and will be remembered for his significant contribution to life and dance. Mrs. Doreen Matthews received the Honorary Award.   Mrs. Liddell was the first President of SANCBD (South African National Council of Ballroom Dancing). Mrs. Liddell had a successful competitive career during the 1960s with Mr. Jack Liddell, whilst living in the U.K., and from then onwards had a good record as Teachers and coaches in Kwa Zulu Natal. She was the main instigator of the SA Dance & Dance Sport Council (now the SADF), of which she was Acting President during the formative years and then the first official President. She was honoured for her selfless and outstanding service to DANCE in South Africa. . SADF Annual Awards 13 December 2014

SADF Chairman’s Festive Season Message
25th December

Dear All, May I on behalf of the Board and Directors and Officers of the South African Dance Foundation wish you a Merry Christmas full of joy and happiness and a successful, healthy and prosperous 2015. Kindly note the link to Chairman's Festive Season Message. Please note that SADF Head Office is closed presently and will open on 5 January 2015.   sadf

22nd December


BELOVED Dancers, Teachers, Parents, Supporters and Organisers,

I am once more excited and honoured to welcome all of you to the 80th Chapter of the South African Open Dance Championships, featuring the Competitive, Social, Disco/Freestyle and Traditional Faculties of SADF. Our most sincere appreciation to ALL our dancers who have journeyed from all over the country and our neighboring states of Botswana and Lesotho, to come and contest for the South African Dance TITLES. Broadly speaking, the committed and dedicated team of officers of the South African Dance Foundation forms the backbone of the success of our ORGANISATION. The team excels and makes the SADF tasks a pleasant journey.

The objectives and achievements of the various Branches and Faculties are annually detailed separately and respectively, however, please allow me to mention some specific performance highlights: -

  • During the 2014 WDC Meetings, the SADF achieved Membership of WDC AL which will broaden opportunities for our dancers, more importantly the international trends and standards,

  • The SADF Super Series, with its three legs strongly entrenched, are now geared up to become Title Events with the 2015 Dancing Calendar looking exciting,

  • Our AMBASSADORS in both the amateur and professional ranks have held the country’s flag high, understanding the pride of our country’s national colours whilst representing the country at the different dance championships across the universe,

  • The SADF promoted a healthy Collaborative spirit, with its sister Faculties and Branches having shared platforms through developments workshops and at competitions such as this, where all our Faculties are able to UNITE for a common cause,

  • The Membership Growth in general, has made significant improvements, New Office Bearers, the BOD, which also serves as EXCO, Branches and Faculties are in their new term of office

  • Our IT System, with the LAUNCH of the new SADF website already up and running is a testimony of our willingness to share as much knowledge and information with our members thruogh technology. We therefore edge you to regularly visit the website and enjoy all reports and offerings that are brought to you by the SADF,

Regardless of the continued differences and difficulties which we usually stumble against in order to achieve our Vision, which is “One powerful and proactive voice representing all forms of dance in South Africa, able to interact with financial partners and the larger world of dance, to create an enabling environment for the development of dance at all levels and the success of every individual on the national and international stage”

Our vision remains clear.- We want to build an organisation where all our dancers enjoy decent dancing opportunities, which has a clear echelon that builds from individuals to groups to provincial organisation, to national organisation and to International, having a vibrant financial support, free and fair. Although the responsibility lies with the entrusted officers, we all have a responsibility to work hard to collectively make that a reality. It is therefore important that everyone think of how they can contribute towards that campaign which will in turn create opportunities for them and others as well.

To our deciding panel of judges, comperes, scrutineer, music operator, runners and the event oversee, your support services are very key as the success of this event will only be judged and reviewed by our audience, the public and the media once you have demonstrated integrity and excellence. A special welcome to Ms Anne Lingard from England, who also serve as the Secretary of the ISTD Competitive Faculty. We are delighted for her presence as the Chairperson of Judges.

To the organisers, lead by the Foundation’s CEO Ms. Marion Baxter, thank you for your selfless efforts and continued commitments. To the Board of Directors of SADF, thank you for your valued support, however I wish to remind you to always remember the promises we made to our dancers, the steps we need to continue taking. To that, I count on you and all other South Africans to work closely with the SADF in KEEPING THE DREAM ALIVE. All the best and


SADF Dance Congress – 12 Dec 2014
10th December

Join the dance congress on 12 December 2014 hosted at the Alberton Civic Hall from 14h00-16h00. This is absolutely FREE!! Welcome to the workshop themed AGAINST ALL ODDS! This will be a fun filled, jam packed interactive program with Stan and Nombulelo and Salome Sechele! Bring your towel and water!